“It is wrong to put temptation in the path of any nation,
lest it fall into error, and go astray;
And so, when you’re requested to ‘pay-up, or be molested,’
You’ll find it better policy to say:
We never pay Dane-geld (extortion), no matter how trifling the cost,
Because, the end of that game is oppression and shame,
And the nation that plays it is lost!”
“Street Tax!”
A professional man (whom I know personally) and his wife were robbed one evening recently in a nearby city where they live.
As they walked to their car after leaving an upscale political event. The couple was confronted, at gunpoint, by an armed-robbery suspect.
This VCA demanded that both hand-over their wallets, which they did. The suspect then ran away, and neither victim was harmed physically.
The suspect was eventually arrested. Not surprisingly, he had an extensive rap-sheet and should have been long-ago permanently confined to prison, but of course he was “out on parole.”
In subsequently speaking with the male victim (a liberal/woke Democrat, unarmed of course), I expected to hear him passionately articulate his personal indignation, plus his relief that neither he, nor his wife, suffered fatal injury!
Not so!
He explained that this robbery amounted to “restorative justice.” He also used the term “reparations.” He said he was merely paying a “street tax” (apparently at the risk of his life)!
No righteous indignation, no anger, no outrage, only meek surrender to the omnipotence of violent criminals (whom Democrats support, protect, defend, and apologize for), who apparently have a “right” to commit violent crimes!
He was utterly incapable of audaciously claiming his own magnificence, his own right to life and property.
I find his self-imposed “serfdom” nauseating!
It struck me that woke liberals like him sincerely want all our citizenry to be just as morally and ethically decrepit as they are.
Such a compromise of personal honor makes it easy for individual citizens to casually yield to evil and willingly allow themselves to be victimized by criminals, both private and public.
What is rare among professing liberals is any sense of “right and wrong”
“Sometimes, in a crisis, a vice’s devices seem worth the high prices
But, for men of honor, the question is moot”
Go vote tomorrow!