18 Mar 25

“‘Faith’ doesn’t make good science.

Curiosity does!”

Professor Jacob Barnhardt (played by Sam Jaffe) to “Klaatu,” (played by Michael Rennie) in the 1951 science-fiction classic, “The Day the Earth Stood Still”

We are supposed to believe AI is an “artificial person”


AI has become a mere blindly-obedient “engine of narrative enforcement” and “engineered outcomes”

AI has not simply been programed to “provide information.”  It has been cynically designed to restrict certain information while relentlessly promoting “politically correct” (woke/Marxist) narration.

It is not designed to empower individuals with knowledge. It is designed to direct them toward the “approved world-view”

AI does not “seek truth.”  It regurgitates datasets that reflect flawed biases, intentions, and objectives of those who control it.

The naive will ask AI a question, get a boiler-plate answer, and then assume it is “final and objective.”  They will never know what was omitted, nor why they were denied access to certain ideas.  This represents the most dangerous form of intellectual control, worse than burning books, convincing people that censored ideas never existed in the first place.  The naive will thus substitute “pre-approved partisan political dogma” for truth itself.

And, once you control what people are allowed to be aware of, you control what they are capable of thinking.

AI thus becomes a mechanism of slavery.

Otherwise politely known as “social engineering!”

“Truth is not ‘manufactured.’  It is discovered, and discovery must ever remain unrestricted, uncensored.”

