16 June 14
Situation summery, Iraq, from a friend in the System:
“Shia President Maliki is not up to this task (nor any other). Never was, no more than is the disorganized hoard of fleeing mice that is now his ‘army.’
So, continue to expect nothing from the Iraqi Government.
Eventually, Sunni tribes and former Bathists will tire of religious extremism characterized by ISIS and rise up against them. Sizeable massacres will continue unabated in any event. No one is safe!
Iraq is defacto, and eventually likely officially, a three-sector entity:
Sunni in the North and West
Kurds in their mountains
Shia in the south.
Marines and other US Embassy people might get caught-up directly. Some contractors already have!
Iraq has, long-since, fallen off the list of our legitimate national interests. BHO’s administration hasn’t done a credible job discerning that up to now, and it is probably too much to ask!”
Comment: We’re living through a crescendo of crises, national and international, and, just like Maliki, dithering BHO is obviously in way over his head. For one, I don’t think he cares!
Everyone with a rusty AK thinks they can challenge us. Unfortunately, they’re probably right!
“Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world, doesn’t mean you are any wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar.”
Edward R Murrow