12 Oct 16
This account of the recent, famous, and failed jewelry-story robbery in TX, from a friend close to the source:
“Four armed VCAs decided to rob a local jewelry store in a neighboring jurisdiction, in daylight.
Two owners, who were in the store at the time, spotted the robbery suspects as they exited their car just outside the front door, guns (pistols) in hand.
Vigilance paid off!
One owner quickly grabbed an AR and took-up a strong position. His partner grabbed an AK.
Suspects entered the store and started smashing glass display cases with hammers. One pointed a gun at a customer and muttered some incomprehensible command.
Without further delay, both owners started shooting the suspects.
Three fled immediately, but one stayed in place and shot at the owners.
That suspect was shot multiple times with the AR, and went down straightaway, but he continued shooting at both owners, even from the floor!
Owners continued to shoot at that suspect while he was down.
That suspect was DRT. The three others were unhurt but have subsequently been arrested (without incident).
All innocents present, including the two owners, were unharmed.
Some take-aways, as I see it:
1) There is no substitute for personal alertness! Vigilance buys time, and time is the most critical commodity in a lethal fight.
2) There is no substitute for decisiveness! These guys didn’t dither. They recognized the threat for what it was, and acted without delay.
3) There is no substitute for preparation! Owners were appropriately armed and trained. They had good equipment, readily accessible.
4) There is no substitute for competent gun-handling and marksmanship. Even in close proximity, hits count. Misses squander valuable time and endanger innocents!
5) In a lethal fight, the first five seconds are more important than the next five hours! Speed, surprise, and forceful action quickly overwhelmed these four robbery suspects. It was a precise counterattack that was never expected, and the suspects were not prepared for it!
6) ‘Down’ is not necessarily ‘out!’ Don’t relax too soon! Always expect even a wounded/grounded assailant to continue fighting.”
Comment: My friend sums it up well!
With our national anti-cop attitude, at the highest levels of the BHO Administration, these kinds of violent crimes are predictably increasing, rapidly.
When the unthinkable happens, you’ll be on your own. And, it doesn’t matter whom you are, as even Kim Kardashian unhappily discovered!
Ready, or not?