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DTI Women’s Defensive Handgun

- Description
Designed specifically for women who want to obtain the necessary knowledge and skills to successfully handle nearly any personal protection situation.
Our female students are often most comfortable in a class limited to women students, and taught by a woman.
This specialized Defensive Handgun Course is designed specifically for women who want to obtain the necessary knowledge and skills to safely keep, carry, and handle guns, and effectively manage any personal protection situation. Our goal is to provide competent information, instruction, and drills that allow students to perform to the best of their ability.
Students will need to bring a suitable defensive pistol or revolver, holster, and 150 rounds of handgun ammunition. Most revolvers and autoloading pistols of reputable manufacture are acceptable. All our work will be from concealment.
Subjects covered include:
Safe gun handling, storage, carrying
Specifics of concealed carry
Clothing and lifestyle adaptations
Handgun operation
Safely drawing the pistol from a holster, purse, or fanny-pack
Routinely carrying defensive handguns concealed
Mental alertness
Situation awareness
Danger avoidance
Aggressive disengagement
Performing under stress
Practical defensive marksmanship
Interfacing with the criminal/justice system
Maintaining mental health in the wake of a lethal-force incident
Classroom subjects include the latest information on the physio/psychological aspects of lethal encounters, weapon/caliber selection criterion and force continuum.