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DTI Armed Response to a Terrorist Attack

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This course is designed to prepare armed citizens against the threat of terrorist violence and other active-shooter events.
Current events indicate a steady increase in terror-related attacks against westerners. Violent extremists and other savages are actively targeting LEOs, Military servicemen and women–as well as their families–to be butchered in public. In addition to LE/MIL individuals and families, we see a rise in these types of attacks on virtually any target of opportunity. Even members of their own culture/faith/ideology are martyred for their depraved cause! This trend will likely continue for the foreseeable future.
For that reason, we have seen the need to develop this specialized firearms course with a focus on armed response to these unique dangers in our modern world. Classroom instruction will cover practical options and tactics intended to give individual operators the life-saving mindset and skill sets for prevailing against such attacks.
Live-fire drills will simulate attacks in:
Movie theaters
Shopping malls
other active-shooter scenarios
This is a combined rifle and pistol course, with heavy emphasis on pistol.Our ARTA Program (Armed Response to a Terrorist Attack) is intended for Operators who have had previous training in the serious use of pistols and rifles. It is not suitable for beginning students of our Art.In ARTA, we do scenarios, where, for example, the student starts with his pistol, then goes and retrieves his rifle, gets it running, then finishes the drill. We do a lot of exercises where threats are mixed-in with non-threats. Long-distance pistols shooting!Students need to bring at least one pistol and a rifle, spare magazines for each (at least one) along with normal safety equipment and concealment gear. Rifles must have slings suitable for all-day carry.Pistol: 300 rnds. Rifle 400 rnds